Child of God
My Friends
Thursday, March 27, 2008
after that we went for night walk reckee.. we walked block 50.. and there was this point whereby we have to enter the girl's toilet and got the SGLs to turn off the lights.. and woohoo, it was so freaking dark for 5 seconds, millison clinged onto me like a scarley cat.. well, not that much, but she held onto my sleeve in fear.. silly girl.. sigh..
the next day, the whole lot of us went to have dinner at carcoal, at city hall, in support of wilson, as he is doing his final year project.. i was severely overdressed... cos they rest are like wearing simple and i wore a coat!! man!!
see, i looked like a pimp!! and they made me and liangzhi sit at opposite ends of the table, making us look like mafia bosses.. but we are good people.. =) i'll get yvonne to send me the photos of the food, and i'll post it for all to see.. =)
after that, we went for a walk at clarke quay.. took pictures, and eventually bought chips and sat by the river and talked and talked and talked..
me staring far, far away.. no idea what im looking at..thanks ar, xuele.. warn me first ma!!
now that's much better!!!
on the 21st, good friday, i spent it, well, as many would have guessed it, in church!! but i wasn't attending the usual service, this time, it was a special annointing service called the boys and girls brigade's enrolment service!! yup, it was the big day for many, many of our people, including yoong liang zhi, emcee watt and the CSMs to be!! but instead of sitting there like a civilian, i went as a backstage crew.. in other words.. SAI KANG WARRIOR!!!
to be frank, i need not have to go on friday.. it just so happens that i was at yvonne's house playing board games on thursday, when siew ling rang yvonne up.. she needed duct tape, so i volunteered to go and buy, as i have the extra cash on me then.. after i have bought it, i offered to deliver it to church.. partially cos i wanna use my ezlink card.. i dun wan my bus concession to go to waste!!
so i reached church.. went inside, pass them the duct tape, wanted to go off.. but when i looked closely, the chairs were in a mess!! being a good usher who takes initiative, i spent time arranging them.. and when i was about to be done, weiyan asked sister vivian loudly..
weiyan: i need people who are able to carry, and are alert tml.. dun wan those can carry but blur blur, later give orders canot follow, jia lat..
and den siew ling asked me if i can come tml morning.. i said ok.. and there you have it, me being there on friday!! dang, this post is going to be so long winded..
so i was there, and hell, was there cock ups.. one long year service envelope went missing.. we searched high and low, and finally found it on the table, below the flowerpot.. man, thersa was so worried.. and many many other things happened.. but still, enrolment was a success.. =) and i have only one photo of the enrolment service.. with only one person in it.. and the person is......
do not ask why it is my cell group leader.. i am not gay.. i just like that angle.. =)
after enrolment service, there was chalet!!! on the 24th to 26th, zealot's tertiary students went for chalet at sentosa, at the kumpung huts!! the huts were small, but it was enough to squeeze 12 people in for sharing.. everybody had a bed to sleep on (thank God!!) and they were FULLY AIRCONDITIONED.. that's a plus on derek's checklist.. and on top of that, there were NO LIMIT TO AIRCON USUAGE!! double plus on derek's checklist.. and he was tempted to stay in there the whole day.. i chased him out somehow.. =)
on the first night, me and liangzhi arrived late because of mission trip training.. i managed to memorise john 3:16 in chinese!! praise the Lord man!! we have to learn new life in chinese, and alot of other stuff along with it.. all in chinese.. i even tried praying in it.. to no avail..... when we reached there, we ended up playing risk.. super long, i was first to get out, and yongquan was actually down to 5 men on the entire board, but in the end, he won the war.. what the heck!?!? sometimes it is just the dice.. and we went to sleep after that..
and something memorable happened when we were sleeping...
"im not drunk!!! i still can drink!!!!"
im not gonna talk too much on this.. want to know more, approach me personally.. =)
on the second day, we went to the beach!! if we go sentosa and dun go to the beach, pointless right.. we played captain's ball and beach soccer.. well, i lost both.. err.. but it was fun.. =) after the soccer match, me, thokkai, yongquan and wee kiat swam to the unchartered island on siloso beach..the water there is crystal, and the sand there is like cotton candy.. until you swim to that island, you dunno how good it feels to be there.. =)
after some time we swam back, and the skies actually looked dark.. we said that we will go back on the first drop of rain, but thank God, not even one dropped on our heads.. so from there, we went to play the MRT game, this time, splashing water... after a tiring match, decided to go back in at 4.. but we din have enough fun, we went to the swimming pool!!! we did some dives, with some stupid ones, but there was no injuries and we all had fun.. =)
ok, time to tell you an embarassing moment.. i was supposed to go back to the room to grab drinks and head to the beach.. im supposed to go to room E.. i ended up opening the door of room A.. looked inside, saw two strangers, i stun awhile.. den i realised my mistake, i jumped off, closed the door and ran for the correct room!! so paiseh lah!! but i got my drinks and went off..
we ordered pizza, so we had a pizza feast at our chalets.. it seems little at first.. but still, i ate 6 slices!! i think i ate the most that day.. and there was still left overs!! it's like God feeding the 5000 men!! praise the Lord!! haha..
after the food, we went to look for something called the musical fountain.. we boarded the bus, and there was this 4 foreigners, one of them asked me to play a song, as i was holding liangzhi's guitar!! i was absolutely stunned!!! they clapped, and i cannot turn them down, so i played something, but did a really bad job, so, ah well, we let it rest, eh..?
we looked for musical fountain.. but we cant find it, cos it was torn down!! replaced by something called the song of the sea, and to view it, we have to pay.. disappointed, we went to take some photos.. we climb up the stairs to this big hill, and to our plesant surprise, we were able to look at the show from there!! so we saw an array of lights and lasers, and we had a fun time.. after that, we went to take more pictures.. as the pictures are with ms shara teo, i have to wait for her to send me before i can post them up..
after that we went back to the chalet and had sharing.. after the sharing, someone knocked on our door.. it's those people from room A and B.. by the way, we took rooms C, D and E.. they needed the guy to do a forfeit.. and i played the song, dui mian de nu hai lan guo lai, and he sang along with me.. funny situation, but we had loads of fun.. in the end, i was the guitarist for them, and we sat down and sang songs i played.. i have a friend, peiyi, who was among the group.. but i dunno why, she like avoiding me..? at least she gives me that feeling lah.. cos i tried to say hi, even from day 1, but she seems to be avoiding my gaze.. when i was there to sing songs, she hide in the room, say she wanna sleep.. and when im gone, she go out and join them in singing.. dunno if she will even blog about me, or leave me out totally..? sigh... ah well.. dun care her lah, ah.. =)
wed, check out, went home, sleep, went for dinner.. grandma's birthday.. and we took some photos with the new camera that my dad bought on ebay.. yes, my dad shops on ebay..
and this is my dad!!! the ebay shopper!!
that is my hand, holding onto a piece of cereal prawn..
and this is my cute little cousin holding a carnation for my gandma..
my grandma's camera shy, so she refused to take pictures.. no matter.. =)
wow, i spent more than one hour trying to blog.. this might even be one of the longest posts i have ever had.. with photos some more!! but still, im gonna stick to tradition.. ending with...
today's colour: this colour reminds me of cereal prawn!! =)
Monday, March 17, 2008
Monday, March 03, 2008
whata nag!!