germany, here i come!
after another 63 years, the alliance party is sending another bomb to the communist!! this time, a pork bomb to germany!!! just kidding... will be gone for two weeks. flying in 18 hours time.. and a freaking 3+11 hour flight.. =/ miss me, people.. =D see you guys on the 13th of sept!!
I blogged @ | 2:27 AM
{Lift up your eyes, all you Heavens, and Worship}
throw it away, forget yesterday.i'll make the great escape.wingmen, though important, however advantegous, are's colour: holiday.
I blogged @ | 1:13 AM
{Lift up your eyes, all you Heavens, and Worship}
Saturday, August 23, 2008
quiz galore 3
RAWR! who dares yawn at my blog?!?!!? fine, i shall blog, gonna set up a law saying that nobody should yawn here!! FILLERPOST!! it's still a post. Where is your school?Ngee Ann Polytechnic, School of Life Sciences and Chemical Technology, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. wholesale from jin. Where were you born?National University Hospital. Where do you live now?Choa Chu Kang, Bloc.... wait, why am i telling you?!?! Who do you live with?father, mother, brother, sister, dog.. Do you go for remedials?are you kidding..? i give remedials!! What is your fav color?Emerald green. followed by baby blue. What is your fav flower?sunflowers. cos i like their seeds.. Do you currently have someone on your mind?nope, im thinking of holidays.. =D What is your biggest regret?getting FAT. =( What room are you in?study. Do you exercise regularly?no, but i see the need of it. What is your fav food?when it come to food, i don't play favourites. If you could live anywhere where would you live?in a place with the standard of living like italy or spain and with the cost of living like the rural parts of nigeria or indonesia. more commonly known as utopia. comparable to heaven. How many kids do you want?enough to form a basketball team!! i'll kill my wife if it's any less, she'll kill me if it's any more. Do you want to get married?if i want kids, why wouldn't i wanna get married..? Could you ever be in the military?without a choice, i would be.. "have you ever wonder, why we serve our nation.." Do you like to dance?i love too!! but i'll look like the slimeball thingys in a lava lamp if i do. Do you believe in God?yeah, i do. Do you pray?yup, and it's more than just table grace, mind you. so i pray more than i eat. =D What was the last thing you wished for?something that i did not get. What is your goal in life?to please a certain someone sitting at the right side of a great throne somewhere very, very high. Do you trust easily?im so trusting im gulliable What are your plans for the remainder of the year?study, and lose weight!! How old do you plan to be when you get married and have kids? if possible, before 25.. if not, before 30.. if after 30 still no wife.. i'll remain a bachelor and pamper my niece and nephews. Describe yourself in 5 words?happy-go-lucky silly fat loving prick Is it ok to sleep around as long as nobody finds out?are you sure nobody would find out..? *glances upwards* What would you class yourself as?sniper Do you think you're intelligent?yeah!! as least i believe so.. =D Anything annoying you at the moment?the idea that i have study related stuff to do even when it's the holidays.. =/ Are you religious?i like yongjin's answer!! but sorry, my relationship forbids me to have a religion. Would you date someone 15 years older than you?15 years?!?! by the time we get married, she would have hit menopause!! Would you go out with an ugly person if they were really rich and gave you everything?in other words, a gigaloo..? o.O Do you lead people on?people follow me Do you have/ever had an STD?would it be shocking news if i told you guys in still a virgin..? Get along with your parents?yup, love them more than anything else of the world. the of is not a typo error. Do you think you're hot?nope, but when a fire starts, it won't stop! fuel, baby!! Are you a hard worker?i try to be. Do you have a short temper?normally no, i try not to. im a nice guy!! =D What accent do you think is hot?i love the british accent. hot wise, maybe not.. =/ Would you rather go out with someone really fat or way too thin?Would you rather hug someone really fat or way too thin? ok, fine, in case the reader cant discern, really fat. more huggable. Have you ever been to a psychiatrist?are you kidding..? i am a psychiatrist!! but i've been to a councellor. Do you make new friends easily?way too easily. Do you get jealous easily?vinegar was never appealing to me. What do you think of vegans?NNNNNNNNNUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! i cant even live without pork, much less meat!!! nothing aginst them though. Do you own a credit card?do i look like i'll own one anytime soon..? Did you go to private school?nope.. =D Have any secret fetishes?i have a fetish over food.. =D Is there something you are keeping secret from everyone?yeah.. the secret to burger king's burger.. What would you change about yourself if you could?my physical fittness.. i really need that.. =/ and that's all, folks!! =D
I blogged @ | 11:50 PM
{Lift up your eyes, all you Heavens, and Worship}

i know, i know, i should blog!! even my aunt is coming to my blog.. =P maybe i'll blog everyday, see how lah, derek.. to prove that you come everyday, derek, i want you to tag everyday!!!
haha, anyway, quite a few things happened.. i always dump everything in one post.. here goes!!
on 9th of august, it is national day parade 2008!! woohoo!! i love the nation!! and to show that i love the nation, i became part of the 18 thousand singaporeans who became the human flag!! it was such a nice day!! we went to the padang and were given goodie bags, and allocated lots for us to sit in.. but the problem is, there will always be spoilers and unsporting people.. when they ask us to stand up and hold up a paddlepop thingy to form the flag, the family that was sitting beside me remained seated.. the entire family!! come on, where's your singapore spirit?!?! STAND UP FOR SINGAPORE!!!
ah well.. spoilers, what to do.. and many left early, before the whole thing ended, they left for home.. sad man.. ah well, more leg room for me!!!
den we had one week study break.. dun really remember what i was doing.. anyway, i started driving lessons!! and i solemnly swear that i am not as sua gu as some famous blogger in singapore who cant even do half clutch for more than 23 times.. =D im going to get my license!! practical test is in december.. not going to tell you guys when, later you all drive and come disturb me.. i bite you all den you know!!
erm, and there's nothing much, except hey, it's exams again, and im going germany. again.. =D today's colour: singapore spirit!!
I blogged @ | 12:39 AM
{Lift up your eyes, all you Heavens, and Worship}
Thursday, August 07, 2008
more quizzes?!?!
ok, YET ANOTHER FILLER POST!! argh, why do i always get quizzes..? still i love them though.. =D this one's from joanna..So, what's your primary food group?as of majority asians, rice.. but i eat anything, seriously.. i mean, anything.. =DWho would you like to have lunch with tomorrow?i already have an appointment tomorrow.. going to marina square to catch a movie.. =DWhat kind of food do your best friends like?for people like yongjin, megabites chicken chop.. arnold, megabites baked rice.. for the rest of church people, pretty much anything.. soo.. you know what they like to eat.. =DWould you rather be a zombie or a vampire?vampire!! i can be count dracula and i can saakkk blaadd...Erhuh. And so would you rather be Master Chief or Serious Sam.Serious Sam is too gory and scary in the shocking way, and master chief is so... boring.. Serious Sam it is!!!Favourite Pizza Topping?ham, cheese, pepperoni, ground beef... the works.. =DLast one. Would you rather be The Joker or The Riddler.what's the difference..? i'd be the joke and make people laugh.. =DMusic. What does it do to you.they bring me to the deepest oceans, high up into the mountains, make me cry a river, build a bridge and get over it..Favourite Genre?chinese came to my mind.. but nah.. slow pop.. =DFavourite bands from that Genre?quite a few.. but i'll settle with lifehouse..What instrument do you play? Or would like to.i play the guitar.. would like to pick up piano though..Got anyone on your mind? Come now, you know what I'm talking about. Because every quiz needs some HEART right! (get the pun. Ha. Haha.)yup.. my mum.. i miss her cooking.Why are you be thinking about them?why cant i think about my mum..?Gonna do anything about it?go talk to her later..? lol, putting mum spoils everything.. =DSo what's your top 4 reasons why you like someone then (Top 3 is so overrated).my mum..? haha,ok, i'll cut it out..1) loves God above everything.2) loves me below God and above everything else.3) feels comfortable with, feel that i can be myself.4) and of course, makes me feel that im needed, she needs me..What did you want to be when you were a kid? Astronaut, Cowboy, Lawyera scientist.. pour chemicals and blow up the lab.. look where i am now.. =DWhat do you want to be now? As in now, what do you want to do when you grow up.a scientist.. pour chemicals and blow up the lab.. that's what i call focus on your goal!!If you changed your mind... why?nope i din.. =DWhatcha doing tomorrow at 3 o clock?movie!! =p come on, i need a break..Psyched about anything at the moment?nope.. im as calm as a swimming pool on an august day..Nearest thing to you that's plain next in line is a clothes hanger.What's on your Desktop now?picture of my previous IS group and heckloads of junk..Can you multitask? What are you doing besides this quiz?ehh.. not too well.. breathing..? =D nobody's talking to me on msn..What's the longest you've ever gone without sleeping?48 hours.. and unlike joanna who was mugging, i was playing!! naughty me, i know... =pWhat's your catch phrase of the moment?ah, shuttup!!Do you like long hair or short hair!prefer long hair.. short hair makes me look... fat... when i already is... =/Give someone a shout out! mummy, i love your cooking!!geez, what a quiz.. ah well.. good night!!
I blogged @ | 11:21 PM
{Lift up your eyes, all you Heavens, and Worship}
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
tuition, and vitamin M
ok, time for another update.. yeah, i gotta start blogging and stop adding filler posts.. =/ and nobody tags!! people come, and they dun tag man, what the forest.. tag, say that you were here, give me a smiley face, whatever! else i'll think that my blog have no readers and stop blogging altogether!!my brother's finally 18!! and he's going to get his driver's license, but he's too lazy to go to the driving centre to even register an account.saturday night:don: " kor, can follow me go bbdc tomorrow morning? i want to register for driving. we go at 8.30."sunday morning, he's still snoring his butt out. woke him up at 10.30, he said he's lazy.. ah gonna get my license!! hopefully soon. i've booked my test date, 15th of december. monday afternoon at 2.45.. where the road is empty!! woohoo!! hope i dun mess up like forgetting the date or something like that.. =/monday, went to lot 1 to check the prices of assessment books for o level students.. tuition ministry, you know.. and while searching for assessments, a middle aged lady came to me and asked if the chinese assessment that she's holding on to is suitable for a sec 2 girl. i said no, pointed her to another book. and after that, we chatted, and in the end, we exchanged contacts. she wanted me to teach her daughter!! im like, what the heck..? ok, fine, i teach tuition, but i never charged people money, and i really, REALLY dunno what to do about it.. hmmm..actually, i can use the money.. dang, vitamin M is low man.. they say you cant earn enough in this lifetime, it's true.. but i dun even have enough money to spend now.. maybe i should get a job.. tuition..? my output in higher than imput man.. gotta plan my finances.. ah well..exams coming!! and germany's after that!! i'll just have to live with exams till then.. just finished my lab test, now on arnold's laptop.. and driving lesson later(meaning i need vitamin M).. next CNY, im driving my family!! =Dtoday's colour: vitamin M!!
I blogged @ | 11:15 AM
{Lift up your eyes, all you Heavens, and Worship}